CANDEY Obtain Freezing Injunction in an International Art Fraud Claim

CANDEY obtained an urgent freezing injunction in an international art fraud claim against London based defendants.

CANDEY represented two Australian clients who had bought art through the defendants in 2012. Following the purchases it was understood that the defendants, acting as agents, would store the art. It is the claimants’ case that when they requested delivery of an Edward Burra watercolour, previously sold at auction by Christie’s New York, the first defendant embarked on a series of contradictory statements and delay tactics, before he eventually went to ground.

The High Court granted the freezing injunction at a without notice hearing and subsequently granted its continuation. Before the continuation hearing the defendants admitted liability for 75% of the claimed sum. The freezing injunction was continued and the claim is ongoing for the balance, interest and costs.

Andrew Dunn is the lead partner assisted by Sonia Bamford.


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