Fraud & Private
Criminal Prosecutions

Many of the commercial disputes we advise on involve allegations of dishonesty or fraud. Such disputes can be highly challenging, often involving reputational risk and requiring immediate action to seek (or defend against) emergency injunctive relief and protect the client’s position. 

We have a depth of experience in acting for both claimants and defendants in valuable, fraud-related disputes, across a wide range of jurisdictions, particularly in the BVI, CIS and major offshore centres. 

Our Anglo-American white collar team provides advice in relation to both UK and US criminal law.

Our lawyers have successfully obtained and executed worldwide freezing orders, search orders, disclosure orders, including Court appointed receiverships, provisional liquidations and a range of other remedies, acting in both court and arbitration proceedings. 

We also have the expertise to pursue and defend allegations of fraud involving potential criminal liability, including contempt of court proceedings.

We use all available procedural tactics at our disposal to persuade the prosecuting authorities to charge and arrest criminals, in order to maximise the chances of a successful outcome.

We also have a successful track record in bringing private prosecutions for financial and business crime. Prosecuting authorities are currently under unprecedented pressure and do not always have the time or resources to investigate and prosecute offences.

This had led to an increase in private companies and individuals bringing their own prosecutions which otherwise may not be brought. Private prosecutions provide clients with an alternative route to obtaining justice and can result in penal justice and financial compensation orders.